Bad things occur without warning and can happen anywhere, at any time! Further, it’s not like nothing bad can happen to you—in fact, anything can go wrong in a person’s life.
It is true that “prevention is better than cure,” so while we cannot stop it, we can at least be ready to face it!
Therefore, it is important for all of us to be ready for accidents like getting caught in a fire! There is very little possibility that you will survive a fire without the right safety equipment!
The most basic fire safety equipment is a fire extinguisher, which you should have everywhere you can find one so that you can protect yourself and other people when the fire department arrives.

Apart from homes and workplaces, there are several other locations where fire extinguishers are necessary!
Listed below are some locations where you undoubtedly need a fire extinguisher!
At Home
We spend a notable amount of time in our homes, so having at least one fire extinguisher on hand is essential.
However, since the kitchen is where 70% of all fires begin, that is where it should have been originally installed in the “kitchen”!
At The Workplace
We should most definitely have fire extinguishers in the second home, which we refer to as “our workplace.”
Workplaces with flammable liquids, such as factories, garages, service, and manufacturing areas, are more likely to experience large scale fires.
Additionally, electrical damage can easily cause a workplace, such as an MNC or any other company, to catch fire. Thus, having fire extinguishers at work is absolutely necessary.
In Educational Institutions
The majority opinion is that fire extinguishers are not used in schools. There is no way for a school to catch fire, but this is untrue because there is a greater likelihood of a school catching fire.
In schools, there are a lot of things that are combustible that can quickly catch fire.
There are potentially dangerous substances in labs, LPG in the school cafeteria, or a potential short circuit that could start a fire.
Thus, it is evident that a number of things can start a fire in a school, making fire extinguishers especially important.
In Hospitals
A hospital is a place where hundreds of thousands of people go for treatment, but it is also not safe because a fire can start there as well.
It could be caused by electrical damage, medical equipment, laundry dryers, boiling equipment, or a variety of other factors. It’s really necessary to have fire safety at hospitals too.
Shopping Malls
A shopping center is a place where people go to enjoy their free time and relax. Who knows, you could end up getting caught in a fire.
This location is also subject to fire because it has so many electrical appliances running that a fire could break out due to electrical damage.
A fire may even start as a result of a problem in a restaurant kitchen.
Therefore, it is important to be prepared for any unannounced danger. These are some locations where having a fire extinguisher nearby is important!
A trustworthy Eco-friendly Firefighting Foam Manufacturer can implement a customized protection solution that guarantees regulatory compliance and the safety of facilities and personnel by combining data regarding building size and fire hazard level with the placement and location of fire extinguishers.
We should be aware of the fundamental classifications for portable fire extinguishers if they wish to be better equipped to collaborate with a fire and life safety firm to provide fire extinguisher products and services.
Recall that the standard ratings for portable fire extinguishers are Class A, B, C, D, or K.
These ratings are crucial in determining how far apart fire extinguishers must be from one another and ultimately how many will be needed.
Other factors that may also be considered include the building’s size, the kind of extinguisher, and the locations of possible risks.
Class A:
Buildings and locations containing common combustible materials, such as offices, classrooms, and assembly halls.
Buildings and locations containing flammable liquids or gases, such as workshops, storage areas, and warehouses.
Buildings and areas where energized electrical equipment is used.
Class D:
Buildings and locations that produce metal powders, flakes, or shavings on a regular basis, usually every 1 to 2 weeks.
Commercial kitchens or other areas that contain combustible cooking oils and grease.
Fire extinguishers must be easily identifiable. They are not always easy to spot from a distance, though. Extinguishers may be obscured by obstructions such as shelving or open doors, or the individual may be standing at an incorrect angle.
Ul Listed Foam Manufacturers in India can guide you through fire extinguisher requirements to ensure your business is compliant and safe.